2.7. Applets, Apps, Workflows, and JobsΒΆ

An executable (applet or app) defines application logic that is to be run in the DNAnexus Platform’s Execution Environment. In order to facilitate parallel processing, an executable may define multiple functions (or entry points) that can invoke each other; a running job can use new_dxjob() to invoke any function defined in the same executable, creating a new job that runs that function on a different machine (possibly even launching multiple such jobs in parallel).

To create an executable from scratch, we encourage you to use the command-line tools dx-app-wizard and dx build rather than using the API or bindings directly. The following handlers for applets, apps, and jobs are most useful for running preexisting executables and monitoring their resulting jobs.

Workflows created from the website UI can also be run using the DXWorkflow workflow handler.

For DXApp.run(), see run().